IGBT (Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor), insulated gate bipolar transistor, is a composite fully controlled voltage-driven power semiconductor device composed of BJT (bipolar transistor) and MOS (insulated gate field effect transistor), which has both MOSFETs. The advantages of both the high input impedance and the low turn-on voltage drop of the GTR. The GTR saturation voltage is reduced, the current carrying density is large, but the driving current is large; the MOSFET driving power is small, the switching speed is fast, but the conduction voltage drop is large, and the current carrying density is small. The IGBT combines the advantages of the above two devices, with low driving power and reduced saturation voltage. It is very suitable for converter systems with DC voltages of 600V and above, such as AC motors, inverters, switching power supplies, lighting circuits, traction drives, etc.
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