60-second acousto-optic digital timer circuit for competition


60 second sound and light digital timer circuit for competition

As shown, the display terminal of the timer uses a 838 calculator, which consists of a 60 second timer, a second signal generator, a photocoupler, and an audio circuit. Used for quiz 1 minute rush timing or other occasions.
ICl (555) and RP1, R1, C1 form a single stable circuit, the monostable transient stability time td = 1.1 (R1 + RP1) C1, adjust RP1, set at 60 seconds. Press AN and the timing starts.
IC2 and R2, RP2, and C2 form a second signal oscillator with an oscillation frequency of f=1.44/(R2+RP2)C2. Adjust RP2 so that the oscillation frequency is at 1 Hz. IC3 and R4, R5, C3 form an audio oscillator with a frequency of about 1300 Hz. Its reset end is controlled by the output of IC2. Each time a pulse signal is sent, a "beep--" sound is emitted, and the LED emits light. At the end of the timer, the 3 pin of IC2 turns to a low level, so that IC3 is in the forced reset state and stops vibration.
Each time a second pulse is emitted, the optocoupler couples it and adds it to the 838 "=" end, counting once, until the end of 60 seconds.

Optoelectronic Information Series

Photoelectric information series laboratory related equipment

Optoelectronic Information Product,Optical Bench Experiments Physics,Optical Devices Physics,Optical Physics Properties

Yuheng Optics Co., Ltd.(Changchun) , https://www.yuhengcoder.com