Bee Video TV Edition APK

Bee Video TV Edition APK

Software information
name of software:
Bee Video
The latest version:
support system:
Android 4.0, 4.0.1, 4.0.2
Software Category:
live TV broadcast
Interface language:
Size of software:

Software introduction Bee video is a TV, set-top box software that integrates high-definition free live streaming, top-level movie library, latest cinema hot show, 600+ live programs, 10,000+ on-demand programs, and gorgeous interfaces in sink clustering. Video software thrives.
update content:
1. Live optimization! Add a stable source of live broadcast, live streaming is more fluid and clear;
2. Repair some models of flashback BUG;
3. Optimize image loading to improve the stability of the application;
4. Solved the problem that some devices could not obtain the device code through WeChat interaction;
5. Add a search entry on the on-demand list page;
6. Optimize download logic, add support for MP4 format download;
7. The adaptation part is equipped with a low profile, the modification part is known as BUG;
Pro-test shots

Software Download: ... 75ebaeab071433a.apk

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