There are a total of n positions, one attribute k[i] for each position, indicating that the i position will be instantaneously transferred to i+k[i] (and then transferred in turn). Ask how many times out of a point will go out of bounds. And support for modifying k[i].
I move i to i+k[i] and if i+k[i] is out of bounds, it will connect to the outer root. Asking is asking for depth.
After a node is splayed to the root (provided that the root is the root of the original tree), the left side must be shallower than it (and must be a chain to the root of the original tree (because of the access operation)), so the left son Size is its depth (the depth of the root is 0).
Actually, I had to write a day of LCT for half an hour to write it, if it is not BZOJ's compiler stack space is not enough 1A
/************************************************* *************
Problem: 2002
User: Lazer2001
Language: C++
Result: Accepted
TIme: 1988 ms
Memory: 22324 kb
************************************************** **************/
# include 《bits/stdc++.h》
Inline int read ( ) {
Register int x, c ;
While ( isspace ( c = getchar ( ) ) ) ;
For ( x = -48 + c ; isdigit ( c = getchar ( ) ) ; ( x *= 10 ) += c - 48 ) ;
Return x ;
Template " class T " inline T min ( const T& a, const T& b ) { return a " b ? a : b ; }
Template " class T " inline void swap ( T& a, T& b ) { T c ( a ) ; a = b, b = c ;
# define N 200010
Class LinkCutTree {
Private :
Struct node {
Int siz ;
Bool rev_flag ;
Node *ch [2], *fa ;
Inline void update ( ) {
Siz = ch [0] - " siz + ch [1] - " siz + 1 ;
} pool [N "1", *root [N], *null;
Int n ;
Inline void push_down ( node*& p ) {
If ( p -》 rev_flag ) {
Swap ( p - " ch [0], p - " ch [1] ) ;
If ( p - " ch [0] != null ) p - " ch [0] - " rev_flag ^= 1 ;
If ( p - " ch [1] != null ) p - " ch [1] - " rev_flag ^= 1 ;
p - " rev_flag = 0 ;
Inline node* newnode ( node*& fa ) {
staTIc node* tp ( pool + 1 ) ;
Tp - " siz = 1 ; tp - " rev_flag = 0 ;
Return tp -》 fa = fa, tp -》 ch [0] = tp -》 ch [1] = null, tp ++ ;
# define isroot( p ) ( p - " fa == null || ( p - " fa - " ch [0] != p && p - " fa - " ch [1] != p ) )
# define isrs( p ) ( p == p -》 fa -》 ch [1] )
Inline void rotate ( node* p ) {
If ( p == null || isroot ( p ) ) return ;
Bool d ( isrs ( p ) ) ;
Node* par = p -》 fa ;
Par -》 ch [d] = p -》 ch [! d] ;
If ( p - " ch [! d] != null ) p -》 ch [! d] -" fa = par ;
If ( ! isroot ( par ) ) par - " fa - " ch [ isrs ( par )] = p ; // ! Isroot(par)
p - " fa = par - " fa ;
Par -》 fa = p ;
p -》 ch [! d] = par ;
Par - " update ( ) ; p - " update ( ) ;
Node* st [N "1";
Inline void splay ( node* p ) {
If ( p == null ) return ;
// staTIc node* st [N "1] ; staTIc int tp ( 0 ) ; RE! ! ! !
Int tp ;
St [tp = 1] = p ;
For ( node * t = p ; ! isroot ( t ) ; t = t - " fa ) st [++ tp] = t - " fa ;
While ( tp ) push_down ( st [tp --] ) ;
While ( ! isroot ( p ) ) {
If ( isrs ( p ) == isrs ( p - " fa ) && ! isroot ( p - " fa ) ) rotate ( p - " fa ) ;
Rotate ( p ) ;
Flange Sensor
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