"Resident Evil 7" double-final conditions explain to save your wife will see you

"Resident Evil 7" Double Outcome Condition Solution to save your wife to see you from Baidu VR

Before the release of "Resident Evil 7", the production team had shown that this game would have multiple endings and moral choices, but in fact the final game played only two outcomes, and it was not the same as saying good.

Good Ending

In the final stage, if you choose to pass the serum to your wife Mia, you will go straight to the good ending.

Bad Ending

If you do not choose your wife and choose Zoe, you will end up in a bad ending. Don't ask me what happened in the end.

I am not satisfied with the outcome of this multiple endings. I am not satisfied. The conditions are too simple. Besides, if we say that a good moral selection system is to choose only who will be injected with serum, hopefully the DLC can enrich the story and fill in pits (in fact, It is unlikely that after all, there will be 8 outsiders who will also have ...).

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